Exam Center

Chat4Youth Ministries Youth Outreach Missions

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Welcome to the Exam Center:

Here you find brief exams to test your current bible, bible history and theological knowlege; complete the exam and submit with ALL information. Items with an asterist (*) by it will be required for the certificate of completion.

Name *
Email *
Address (if mailing certificate *)
{choose the best answer} What does James tell us to do in James 1:5, if we lack wisdom?
List the Fruits of the Spirit {IN ORDER} Gal. 5:22-23
According to John 3:16 "Everybody WILL go to Heaven" (True or False)
God Loves Everyone (True or False)
The "Torah" is the Hebraic term for the first five Old Testimate books OR the "Law" OR the "Law of Moses"
The "Torah" consist of: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy
Revelation 21:18 describes the city as "pure gold"